It’s a Doc’s Life: The First Year

I now know the meaning of “time flies when you’re having fun”.  Wow has this past year flown by.  I think I finally have the humans somewhat trained, it’s been a long process but they’re coming along nicely.  I can see why other dogs say “don’t give up, they’ll get there” and “it’s a lifelong job to raise humans”.  It’s a tough job but it’s rewarding.

I have a lot to catch you up on, I’ve been hiding my stories under the kennel so it took Mom until we moved houses to find them.  I haven’t been writing as much as I wanted to because I’m very busy and have a couple new playmates….but I’ll get to that.

After my kennel incidents and getting moved to the new kennel, things calmed down a bit.  Mom and Dad and I got into a pretty good routine.  I got them trained on a nighttime routine pretty early on.  I would get put in the kennel at bedtime each night and we would all go to sleep.  I would wake up and whine and Mom would take me outside to go potty.  I say Mom because Dad sleeps like a rock, nothing wakes him up, or so I thought.  It didn’t take me long to realize he fakes it so he doesn’t have to get up and let me out, I’m pretty sure Mom knows but there’s not really anything she can do about it.  I can’t blame him, I’ve become a master a “faking”.  Anyway, once Mom lets me in from my late night bathroom break I get to go in the big bed because I was a “goodboy” and went potty.  Good thing I can pee on demand because I really don’t have to go, I just know it will get me into the big bed.  Pretty sure Mom knows that too but I give her the “eyes” and she melts.  Plus, I’m a darn good snuggler.

Things were rolling along nicely and I was having a blast being the only child….well except for the 13-year-old but she’s only there on the weekends…plus, I like snuggling with her, I get to sleep in her bed when she’s there and I’m just waiting for the day she’s with us all the time, then there’s no more kennel at night because she lets me sleep with her all the time.  Keeping my paws crossed on that one.  Her and I have an understanding.

Just as we got into a routine, life changed.  And I mean changed forever.  We went for a car ride one day and I got to play with this very cool, very beautiful girl dog.  She smelled spectacular, I fell in love.  We’re about the same age so I thought this was some sort of ‘blind date’ and we would get together every now and then and possibly make very cute puppies together.  Uff da was I wrong.  She got in the car and came home with us!  Ok, a sleepover is cool!  Well I was wrong again, she still hasn’t left!!

I was very mad to have a new housemate, even though she’s a pretty cool chick.  I’m a guy, I needed my own space, I wanted my freedom, I was still young.  I really didn’t want anyone cramping my style.  So much for my opinion, she stayed.

Her name is Kimber and she really is awesome.  I say that now but it took awhile for me to truly come to terms with her being there.  I went from a household where I wore the pants…and Mom….but as far as pets go, I was the shit, numero uno, the top dog.  And then there was Kimber.  Mom and Dad say she’s the alpha dog.  I didn’t know what that was at first but I’m a quick learner.  We play when she wants to play, we snuggle when she wants to snuggle and I eat whenever she lets me eat.  She’s not mean, just very sure of herself and wants to run the show.  I’m sure if I was a human I’d probably be dressed in chaps and a ball gag.

Kimber and I get into lots of trouble sometimes.  She’s a runner and an explorer, me not so much.  I’m more of a eater and lolligagger.  I do like to play with her but I get tuckered out before she does.  She’s a bit smaller than I am and a little wider but she’s a whole lot faster!!  Man that girl can move.  Once I’ve had a little rest, she sits on me and bites my leg to get me to get up and play again.  By bedtime we’re pretty worn out.

Because she’s such an explorer she smells kind of bad a lot.  She rolls in stuff, walks through stuff and rubs up against anything.  There are times Mom and Dad leave her outside until it’s time for a shower, which she doesn’t like at all.  Then I’m mad at her because Mom and Dad figure if they’re giving her a bath, I should get one as well.  Life is not fair.

We moved into a new house a few months ago but I’ll save that for a new story.  We went from a big house to a very tiny house.  The good news is our kennel won’t fit in the bedroom so we get to sleep on the big bed all the time.  The bad news is, we’re all a lot bigger but the bed isn’t.  Good thing Dad and I are heavy sleepers because from what I hear it gets pretty crowded and doesn’t always work out best for Kimber and Mom.  Mom says it’s asses to elbows in bed at night which seems to be true from what I can see in the morning.

Here’s  fairly recent photo of us.  Kimber’s a bit chunkier now…don’t you dare tell her I said that.  Dad calls her is Chunky Monkey, Mom yells at him.

Image may contain: dog

Until next time.








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